Our Services

What we offer

Online Presence

Wilkinson specialize in creating Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads to ensure your brand is seen by the right people. Additionally, we can boost your search engine visibility through Yahoo! Native Ads, GDN, and targeted keyword searches.

Offline Presence

Wilkinson specialize in advertising campaigns on buses, taxis, minibuses, trams, and MTR stations for the ultimate exposure. Additionally, we have expertise in various types of TV ads, ranging from product insertion to TVC placements.

Sell Online

If you're ready to start an online business but don't know where to begin, Wilkinson can get you covered. We offer expert website design and online store development services to help you create a professional and effective online presence.

KOL Network

Looking to collaborate with celebrities or KOLs for your brand's social media advertising? Wilkinson have a vast and diverse list of popular influencers and personalities for you to choose from.

Our Mission

“to help businesses grow and succeed in the digital world by providing top-notch marketing solutions that drive results”

— Wilkinson Team